OKC Highland Games Entry Form

Oklahoma City Highland Games

November 9th and 10th 2024

Registration Due Date: October 14, 2024

OKC Renaissance and Scottish Festival

Oklahoma City Fairgrounds

 3001 General Pershing Blvd

Oklahoma City, OK 73107


Step 1: Fill out the form below, and submit it. Do not make payments until after you’ve submitted the form (or you’ll have to start over)

    All Fields Are Required

    First name:

    Last name:

    Phone Number:

    Email Address:

    Street Address:




    Entry Fee $45 register and pay online or pay using PayPal or check. Checks made to OKC Ren Fest. Mail to 1503 E 14th Ave, Winfield, KS 67156. Includes Shirt, lunch, water and fun with friends.

    Nine Events: Braemar, Open Stone, HWFD, LWFD, Light Hammer, Heavy Hammer, Caber, WFH & Sheaf.

    No Spin allowed in WFH or Sheaf

    Your T-Shirt Size:

    PLEASE NOTE, You are NOT guaranteed a shirt if the entry form is sent in after October 14th, 2024.

    Select one Saturday or Sunday class. The Athletic Directors Reserve the Right to Place Athletes in the Appropriate Class According to Ability, Age, and Sex.

    Saturday Classes:

    Sunday Classes:

    The Athletic Directors Reserve the right to place athletes in the appropriate class according to ability, and age. Unsportsmanlike
    conduct will not be tolerated for any reason. You will be ejected from the games, scores void and will leave the Oklahoma City
    Renaissance Festival.

    I Hereby, For Myself, My Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, Waive and release all Rights and claims for damages I may be entitled to against the Oklahoma City Highland Games and Oklahoma City Renaissance Festival. It’s representatives, agents successors, and assignee's, for any and all injuries suffered by me through participation in these events. Additionally, I agree to be bound by the athletic rules as stated by officials on the heavy events competition of the Oklahoma City Highland Games , USAD Rules govern.

    You Must Click to Accept The Above Waiver

    Step 2: Add your payment, and pay it